Lion’s Mane and its Benefits for the Brain and Beyond

Lion’s Mane and its Benefits for the Brain and Beyond

Hericium erinaceus, also known as lion’s mane, is a visually striking mushroom. Its long stringy tendrils gathered in round tufts give it its distinct lion’s mane-like appearance, but it’s not simply its looks that make the mushroom stand out among fungi. 

Lion’s mane’s beneficial properties, specifically in connection to brain function, make it a highly sought after nutritional supplement. Here are five ways lion’s mane may benefit your health.

Brain Function - Lion’s mane has been dubbed the “smart mushroom” because of its positive impact on brain function. Studies on two of its compounds, hericenones and erinacines, have pointed to their ability to stimulate growth of brain cells. Further animal studies highlight promising results in its potential to curb symptoms of memory loss as well as protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Nervous System Recovery Support - Lion’s mane not only helps ward off memory loss, but studies suggest it may help those who have suffered brain and spinal cord injuries. Animal research points to the potential for lions mane to stimulate growth and repair of nerve cells after injury.

Protection Against Ulcers -  Lion’s mane may support the digestive tract by preventing the growth of Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, a bacteria that can aggravate the digestive tract and lead to ulcers. Research in mice and test tubes have indicated that the fungi may inhibit the growth of the bacteria.

Immune Support - A healthy gut gives the immune system a solid foundation. Recent animal studies revealed lion’s mane may boost the intestinal immune system, thereby giving the overall immune system support. Research results pointed to lion’s mane’s support of healthy gut bacteria.

Reduces Inflammation - More research is emerging linking chronic inflammation to various serious illnesses including cancer and heart disease. The antioxidant properties in lion’s mane may help give the body a boost when it comes to inflammation and oxidative stress. Studies show these properties may protect the body against the negative impact of free radicals.

While more research needs to be done on human subjects, the studies that have been conducted do point to the various benefits including lion’s mane in your diet may have. There are a few ways to do that. You can find lion's mane in the form of supplements, either capsules or powder. The powder can be added to your morning routine in warm drinks like coffee. You can also find lion’s mane in grocery stores, either fresh or dried, to use in recipes. See our upcoming blog post on ways to cook with lion’s mane.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.















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